ABSOLUTE JAVA  6th Edition

Author Walter savitch



        This book is designed to serve as a textbook and reference for programming in the Java language. Although it does include programming techniques, it is organized around the features of the Java language rather than any particular curriculum of programming techniques. The main audience in this book was undergraduate students who have not had extensive programming experience with the Java language. As such, it would be a suitable Java text or reference for either a first programming course or a later computer science course that uses Java. This book is designed to accommodate a wide range of users



Author: Uttam K. Roy



Advanced Java Programming is a textbook specially designed for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Computer Science, Information Technology, and Computer Applications (BE/BTech/BCA/ME/M.Tech/MCA). Divided into three parts, the book provides an exhaustive coverage of topics taught in advanced Java and other related subjects. It first introduces important language features such as Reflection, JNI, template, AWT and swing, Security etc. The second part primarily focuses on core network programming concepts such as sockets, RMI, Mail, XML-RPC etc. The state-of-the-art concepts such as SOAP, Applet, Servlet, JSP, JDBC, Hibernate, JMS, J2EE, JNDI, CORBA, JSF etc. have been discussed in the last part...  

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Beginning Java™ SE 6 Platform

Author Jeff Friesen



        This book starts you on a journey of exploration into most of Java SE 6’s new and improved features.  It is also the right choice if you need information about performance and other important topics. Beginning Java SE 6 Platform is a must-have resource if you want to quickly upgrade your skills. It is also the right choice if you need information about performance and other important topics before deciding if your company should upgrade to Java SE 6. This book will save you from wading through Java SE Development Kit (JDK) documentation and performing a lot of Internet searches



Author Y.Daniel Liang



          This book is a brief version of Introduction to Java Programming, uses the fundamentals-first approach and teaches programming concepts and techniques in a problem-driven way.
 This book provides a wide variety of problems at various levels of difficulty to motivate students


Learning Network Programming with Java

Author Richard M Reese



           This book is for developers who are already proficient in Java and want to learn how to develop network-enabled Java applications. Familiarity with basic Java and object-oriented programming concepts is all that is needed. You will learn the basics of network programming and how to use a multitude of different sockets to create secure and scalable applications.



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