Friday, 28 October 2016

Eclipse Plug-in Development Beginner's Guide

Eclipse Plug-in Development Beginner's Guide

Author: Dr Alex Blewit



This book is aimed at Java developers who are interested in learning how to create plug-ins, products and applications for the Eclipse platform. This book will also be useful to those who already have some experience in building Eclipse plug-ins and want to know how to create automated builds using Maven Tycho, which has become the de facto standard for building Eclipse plug-ins.
Eclipse is used by everyone from indie devs to NASA engineers. Its popularity is underpinned by its impressive plug-in ecosystem, which allows it to be extended to meet the needs of whoever is using it. This book shows you how to take full advantage of the Eclipse IDE by building your own useful plug-ins from start to finish.

Taking you through the complete process of plug-in development, from packaging to automated testing and deployment, this book is a direct route to quicker, cleaner Java development. It may be for beginners, but we’re confident that you’ll develop new skills quickly. Pretty soon you’ll feel like an expert, in complete control of your IDE.

What you will learn

Create plug-ins for Eclipse 4.x
Test plug-ins automatically with JUnit
Display tree and table information in views
Upgrade Eclipse 3.x plug-ins to Eclipse 4.x
Run tasks in the background and update the user interface asynchronously
Automate builds of plug-ins and features
Automate user interface tests with SWTBot
Find out how to build user interfaces from SWT and JFace

DATA STRUCTURES, Abstraction and Design Using Java

DATA STRUCTURES, Abstraction and Design Using Java


Book Description:

Data Structures: Abstraction and Design Using Java, 3rd Edition, combines a strong emphasis on problem solving and software design with the study of data structures. The authors discuss applications of each data structure to motivate its study. After providing the specification (interface) and the implementation (a Java class), case studies that use the data structure to solve a significant problem are introduced.
The book focuses on the interfaces and classes in the Java Collections Framework. We begin the study of a new data structure by specifying an abstract data type as an interface, which we adapt from the Java API. Readers are encouraged throughout the text to use the Java Collections Framework as a resource for their programming.

Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX

Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX

Author: Lee Stemkoski



In this book, you’ll learn how to program games in Java using the LibGDX game development framework.  By reading Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX, you will learn how to design video game programs and how to build them in Java. You will be able to create your own 2D games, using various hardware for input (keyboard/mouse, gamepad controllers, or touchscreen), and create executable versions of your games. The LibGDX library facilitates the game development process by providing pre-built functionality for common tasks. It is a free, open source library that includes full cross-platform compatibility, so programs written using this library can be compiled to run on desktop computers (Windows/MacOS), web browsers, and smartphones/tablets (both Android and iOS).

Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX teaches by example with many game case study projects that you will build throughout the book. This ensures that you will see all of the APIs that are encountered in the book in action and learn to incorporate them into your own projects. The book also focuses on teaching core Java programming concepts and applying them to game development.



Author: Uttam K. Roy



This book covers, in depth and with extensive examples and references, the primary technical issues that every Java expert should understand, such as JNI, Socket programming, RMI, JavaMail, Java XML-RPC, Soap, Security, Servlet, JSP, JDBC, Hibernate, JNDI, JMS, CORBA, and many others. Each chapter provides detailed working examples illustrating the functioning of these technologies and how they can be used to build robust Java-based applications. This book provides real-world examples supported with ample screenshots so that readers can understand and easily apply them to Java-based applications they would develop in the future. Although this book is intended as a textbook for undergraduate- and postgraduate-level courses on Advanced Java, it can also be used as a supplementary textbook for undergraduate/postgraduate courses on network programming, server-side programming, Enterprise Java, and GUI programming. The book is also a useful resource for researchers to learn to write different kinds of distributed applications effectively and efficiently using various Java concepts. In addition, it will provide useful background and reference information for professionals working in the area of Java-based web applications.
The content is enhanced with numerous illustrations, examples, program codes, and screenshots. With its lucid presentation and inclusion of numerous real-world examples and codes, the book will be equally useful for Java professionals.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Programming PHP

Programming PHP

Author: Kevin Tatroe, Peter MacIntyre, Rasmus Lerdorf



This updated edition teaches everything you need to know to create effective web applications with the latest features in PHP 5.x. You’ll start with the big picture and then dive into language syntax, programming techniques, and other details, using examples that illustrate both correct usage and common idioms.
     If you’re a web designer, you’ll appreciate the clear and useful guides to specific technologies, such as XML, sessions, and graphics. And you’ll be able to quickly get the information you need from the language chapters, which explain basic programming concepts in simple terms.
In this book you will learn:
  • Get an overview of what’s possible with PHP programs
  • Learn language fundamentals, including data types, variables, operators, and flow control statements
  • Understand functions, strings, arrays, and objects
  • Apply common web application techniques, such as form processing, data validation, session tracking, and cookies
  • Interact with relational databases like MySQL or NoSQL databases such as MongoDB
  • Generate dynamic images, create PDF files, and parse XML files
  • Learn secure scripts, error handling, performance tuning, and other advanced topics
  • Get a quick reference to PHP core functions and standard extensions

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Go Web Programming

Go Web Programming

Author Sau Sheong Chang


Book Description:

Go Web Programming teaches you how to build scalable, high-performance web applications in Go using modern design principles.
The Go language handles the demands of scalable, high-performance web applications by providing clean and fast compiled code, garbage collection, a simple concurrency model, and a fantastic standard library. It’s perfect for writing microservices or building scalable, maintainable systems.
This book introduces the basic concepts of writing a web application using the Go programming language, from the ground up, using nothing other than the standard libraries. While there are sections that discuss other libraries and other topics, including testing and deploying web applications, the main goal of the book is to teach web programming using Go standard libraries only.

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja, 2nd Edition

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja, 2nd Edition



Book Description:

More than ever, the web is a universal platform for all types of applications, and JavaScript is the language of the web. If you’re serious about web development, it’s not enough to be a decent JavaScript coder. You need to be ninja-stealthy, efficient, and ready for anything. This book shows you how.
JavaScript is important. That wasn’t always so, but it’s true now. JavaScript has become one of the most important and most widely used programming languages today. Web applications are expected to give users a rich user interface experience, and without JavaScript, you might as well just be showing pictures of kittens. More than ever, web developers need to have a sound grasp of the language that brings life to web applications. And like orange juice and breakfast, JavaScript isn’t just for browsers anymore. The language has long ago knocked down the walls of the browser and is being used on the server thanks to Node.js, on desktop devices and mobiles through platforms such as Apache Cordova, and even on embedded devices with Espruino and Tessel. Although this book is primarily focused on JavaScript executed in the browser, the fundamentals of the language presented in this book are applicable across the board. Truly understanding the concepts and learning various tips and tricks will make you a better all-around JavaScript developer. With more and more developers using JavaScript in an increasingly JavaScript world, it’s more important than ever to grasp its fundamentals so you can become an expert ninja of the language.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Bootstrap Tutorial

Bootstrap Tutorial pdf



This tutorial has been prepared for anyone who has a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS and has an urge to develop websites. After completing this tutorial you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in developing web projects using Twitter Bootstrap.
This tutorial will teach you basics of Bootstrap Framework using which you can create web projects with ease. Tutorial is divided into sections such as Bootstrap Basic Structure, Bootstrap CSS, Bootstrap Layout Components and Bootstrap Plugins. Each of these sections contain related topics with simple and useful examples.
Before you start proceeding with this tutorial make sure you know about HTML and CSS.






This textbook, by Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory Abowd, and Russell Beale, represents how far human–computer interaction has come in developing and organizing technical results for the design and understanding of interactive systems. Remarkably, by the light of their text, it is pretty far, satisfying all the justenumerated conclusions. This book makes an argument that by now there are many teachable results in human–computer interaction by weight alone! It makes an argument that these results form a cumulative discipline by its structure, with sections that organize the results systematically, characterizing human, machine, interaction, and the design process. There are analytic models, but also code implementation examples. It is no surprise that methods of task analysis play a prominent role in the text as do theories to help in the design of the interaction. Usability evaluation methods are integrated in their proper niche within the larger framework. In short, the codification of the field of human–computer interaction in this text is now starting to look like other subfields of computer science. Students by studying the text can learn how to understand and build interactive systems. Human–computer interaction as represented by the text fits together with other parts of computer science. Moreover, human–computer interaction as presented is a challenge problem for advancing theory in cognitive science, design, business, or social-technical systems. Given where the field was just a few short years ago, the creation of this text is a monumental achievement. The way is open to reap the glorious rewards of interactive systems through a markedly less difficult endeavor, both for designer and for user.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

The Complete Reference, Ninth Edition

The Complete Reference, Ninth Edition

Author Herbert Schildt


This book is for all programmers, whether you are a novice or an experienced pro. The beginner will find its carefully paced discussions and many examples especially helpful. Its in-depth coverage of Java’s more advanced features and libraries will appeal to the pro. For both, it offers a lasting resource and handy reference.

About the Author
          Best-selling author Herbert Schildt has written extensively about programming for nearly three decades and is a leading authority on the Java language. His books have sold millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into all major foreign languages. He is the author of numerous books on Java, including Java: A Beginner’s Guide, Herb Schildt’s Java Programming Cookbook, and Swing: A Beginner’s Guide. He has also written extensively about C, C++, and C#. Although interested in all facets of computing, his primary focus is computer languages, including compilers, interpreters, and robotic control languages. He also has an active interest in the standardization of languages. Schildt holds both graduate and undergraduate degrees from the University of Illinois.

Monday, 3 October 2016

The Complete Reference, Seventh Edition

Author Herbert Schildt



This book is for all programmers, whether you are a novice or an experienced pro. The beginner will find its carefully paced discussions and many examples especially helpful. Its in-depth coverage of Java’s more advanced features and libraries will appeal to the pro. For both, it offers a lasting resource and handy reference.
What’s Inside:This book is a comprehensive guide to the Java language, describing its syntax, keywords, and fundamental programming principles. Significant portions of the Java API library are also examined. The book is divided into four parts, each focusing on a different aspect of the Java programming environment.